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Artist Statement

My senior project, Implicit, focuses on the daily and rampant racism our society has chosen to ignore. American students are taught implicitly through media, education, and family relationships how to treat others. More often than not, those lessons are exclusionary. These actions are often not realized by those who do them, because they are not affected by their own words. Blatant racism today will result in social backlash, but off-handed comments and jokes are socially acceptable and fly under the radar. These 'small' and inconspicuous actions demean human beings and permit values that are no longer acceptable. To compare the United States to a human body, casual racism lies in the bloodstream, undetected by onlookers, and cannot be removed without acknowledgement. 


The topic of race is complicated. I have collected research from a variety of scholastic sources, educators, and my peers to have my project be as real to life as possible. Fighting for what is right is very important to me and always has been. Every single person on Earth deserves respect and I want to show that that is currently not happening. 


This project was made with acrylic paint on canvas. These are the materials I have found the most success with. Every week I would sit down on the floor of my apartment and paint with my canvas set up leaning on a wall. My living room became my studio and although I have a lot of paint to get out of my carpet and probably have cat hair within my pieces, I feel accomplished and I hope my work resonates. 

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We cannot accept things as they are. 

©2023 by Lucia Maigret. Proudly created with

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